Imprint according to § 4 of Act CVIII of 2001:

Name of the company: NOVOMATIC Hungária Kft.

Principal office and address:
HU-9352 Veszkény, Fő u. 186. (Novomatic park)
Tel.: + 36 96 575 000

Branches of the company:
NOVOMATIC Hungária Kft.
HU-2040 Budaörs, Gyár utca 2.
Tel.: +36 23 332 071

HU-9400 Sopron, Lackner Kristóf u. 33/A. (Mediterrano)
Tel.: +36 99 508 316

Site of the company:
HU-9352 Veszkény Szabadság u. 2.

Company Registered at: Court of Registration of the Győr Tribunal
Legal form: Limited Liability Company
Company Registration Number: 08-09-008355
VAT Registration Number: 11308216-2-08
Chamber Membership: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Győr-Moson-Sopron County

Name of Hosting Service Provider: Tárhely.Eu Szolgáltató Kft.
Registered office address of Hosting Service Provider:  1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán körút 12-14., Hungary
Company registration number:  01-09-909968, registered at Capital Court of Registration
Tax number: 14571332-2-42
Telephone number: +36 1 789-2-789
E-mail address: